victim. Following are a few First Aid "Do's" and "Don'ts" which will help you determine what action you should take:
1. Look at the victim's face. If it is white, he may be suffering from shock caused by bleeding, burns, broken bones, crushing injuries,or extreme tension or fright. If the lips or fingernails are blue,he may be suffocating or may be in shock. Patient should be covered with dry blanket, kept warm with as little movement as absolutely necessary, placed so the head is lower than rest of body (unless there is a head injury) and legs elevated. Seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
2. DO NOT move an injured person at all unless further serious injury will probably result if left where he is.
3. If the victim is bleeding profusely, make him lie down. If wound is not too large, apply clean gauze or cloth pad to the surface of the wound and apply pressure. Bind the pad in place continuing the pressure. It is important to stop the bleeding to prevent shock and pressure will often accomplish this.
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